
Payment Plan

IMPORTANT: Please ENROLL in the Aetna annual insurance plan before attempting to apply for the Payment Plan for the applicable academic year. The student insurance fee on your account does not confirm your enrollment; you must actively enroll through Rice's Aetna portal and receive enrollment confirmation.
Payment Plan is only available in the Fall.


Graduate students enrolled in the annual Aetna health insurance plan and/or purchasing a parking permit are eligible for the payment plan option provided they meet the following criteria:

  • Student is a full-time graduate student enrolled at Rice University.
  • Student receives a graduate stipend of at least $5,000 from Rice University during the academic year.
  • Enrolled in the annual Aetna student insurance plan for the applicable academic school year

Graduate students electing this payment plan option agree to the following:

  • The health insurance premium, less any insurance subsidy (if eligible), will be divided into 8 installments (4 each semester).
  • The parking permit will be divided into 8 installments (4 each semester).
  • Payments begin September 10th and end May 10th of the following year. See our Payment Plan dates HERE.
  • Automatic enrollment in the 8-month payment plan will be accessible in the Payment Suite on or before August 31st.
  • Missed payments may incur a late payment fee of 1.5% of the past-due balance.

Your Payment Plan Fee Waiver application will go through an audit process to confirm you meet the criteria above. If your application is approved, the payment plan fee of $75 will be waived, and your payments will be adjusted to 8 installments. Please note this process can take up to 10 business days.

To apply, please click here.