
Student Health Webinar - Suicide Prevention


Unique Challenges & Strategies for Campus Suicide Prevention Programs

When: Thursday, October 26 at 3pm - 4pm EDT

Suicide is highly complex and is the third leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 24. As part of its commitment to mental health and well-being, Aetna is currently implementing a comprehensive strategy to reduce suicide attempts in its members and to raise general awareness about suicide prevention. With the right risk reduction interventions, support, and resources, from a public health perspective, suicide can be prevented.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • The complexity of suicide and the impact it is having on campuses nationwide
  • The tools for helping reduce suicide attempts using evidence-based interventions and programs
  • Strategies and options to strengthen the path to mental well-being on your campus
  • How we can work together to save lives and bring hope to those in need
  • How school administrators can improve communication, a sense of belonging, and respect on campus to improve mental well-being and reduce the risk of suicide


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